Management of Keloid Scars with Radiotherapy

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Josselyn Nataly Zapata Farfán
Ruth Nohemi Zapata Farfán


Keloid scars are a challenging dermatological condition characterized by excessive scar tissue formation beyond the boundaries of the original wound. This review explores the epidemiology and clinical significance of keloid scars, emphasizing the substantial impact they have on patients' quality of life and psychosocial well-being. The theoretical framework delves into the definition of keloid scars, identifies risk factors contributing to their development, discusses potential complications, and outlines current management strategies. The discussion section evaluates the role of radiotherapy in managing keloid scars, providing insights into its mechanisms of action, efficacy, and safety. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of a personalized approach to keloid scar management, with radiotherapy as a valuable therapeutic option.

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How to Cite
Josselyn Nataly Zapata Farfán, & Ruth Nohemi Zapata Farfán. (2023). Management of Keloid Scars with Radiotherapy. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(10), 2234–2236.


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